Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Becoming by Michelle Obama (book review)

"Becoming" by Michelle Obama (Amazon)
Goodreads Rating: 4.69 stars
My Rating: 5 stars
Everyone is entitled to and should share their story with others. I love sharing my story with others and enjoy hearing others share their story with me. Don't ask me why I don't read many autobiographies or memoirs.  But after reading this, I will begin to read more.  
I requested this book for Christmas, in hopes to start a new tradition of receiving books as gifts.  I am so grateful that I have received it! It was a great read to start for the new year. 
"Becoming", is not only a snapshot of who Michelle Obama is, but it is a book full of her life stories and lessons she has learned during her lifetime. Her family, her childhood, her educational experiences, the people she met and encountered, the places she has been, and the tasks she wanted to accomplish, helped in her becoming. 

The life lessons that she was taught along her lifetime are ones that we can benefit from.  Lessons that prove that growing up is infinite.  We don't stop becoming!  Lessons that we don't need to prove anything to anyone but ourselves.  Lessons that if we first fix ourselves than we can fix relationships with others. 
I understand why this book has been the #1 Bestseller.  The writing is flawless, clear, and easy to understand.  This book was very relatable and you can sense Mrs. Obama is very down to earth. 
I would recommend this book to everyone and anyone, despite your political affiliation.  This book does not promote any political side, nor does it share negative thoughts about the current government administration.  If you need a good book that will make you laugh, smile, cry, and feel encouraged, please give this book a chance.  You will not be disappointed.
I was not compensated in any way for this review.  This is my honest opinion, nor am I sharing my political views with this review.

New Year, New Goals

I know that the month of January is almost over, and I know that I am late and a dollar short to sharing this post.  But better late than never, right?  Since my last post regarding my fall TBR, I took some time to read and reflect about my reading goals.

I enjoy reading, however at times I feel pressured to read a lot.  With book blogging, book reviewing, booktube, and other social media outlets that promote reading, I feel obligated to read, and to read certain types of books.  The pressure and guilt that I have felt has made me reevaluate my reading goals.  I don't want to feel pressure to read all the time (even though I do), and I don't want to feel guilty if I am not posting about what books that I am reading.  I would love to keep this blog as a book blog, however I have read several books over the past couple of weeks that have challenged my thinking about the world.  If you can look into my draft folder, I have many posts that I started, but never finished.  Few of them were not book related.  I am done trying to fit in and comparing myself to others.  There is so much that I have to say, whether it is about books or not.  But I want to be an encouragement to others.  If that means to encourage them in life or reading.

With this new year, I am throwing out the thoughts of comparisons and doubt and picking up thoughts of  confidence. 

With the new year, my reading goals are as following:
read more diverse books (especially works written by and about African Americans or people of color)
read more YA material that I can share with my children
read 1 classic a month
read 24 books this year (goal to read 2 a month)
recap or blog books that have been read
With the new year, my blogging goals are as following:
blog as often and stay consistent
throw out the idea to fit in
don't be afraid to blog about real life and stay true to myself, values, and morals

I know that the month of January is almost over, but have you made goals for this year?  The can be regarding your personal life, work life, or hobbies?  I pray that whatever goals that you have created for yourself, that you are able to smash them.  If you haven't made any goals, why? Never be afraid to wish for something and work towards it!