Monday, July 30, 2018

Booktubeathon 2018

The books that I will be reading for Booktubeathon will be:
"Here After" by Kate Brian
"How my Bookclub got arrested"  by Leslie O'Kanen
"Matilda" by Roald Dahl
"The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm" by Nancy Farmer
"Playground" by 50 cent
"The Ditchdigger's Daughters" by Yvonne Thornton
"Dreaming in Cuban" by Cristina Garcia

 So the day has arrived for the start of "Booktube thon 2018".  If you are unaware of what this is, please check out this video. I love the booktube community and I love  what they are doing in the literary world, so I had to join in on the fun this year.  
By participating in Booktubeathon, there are 7 challenges to complete in order to receive the accomplished status of Booktubeathon warrior.  Many readers are participating all over the world to read 7 books this week.  Would you like to be one of them?  If so, I will be joining you and others as we tackle this crazy, but exciting week of reading.
Here are the challenges!
1. Have a coin toss decide your first read
2. read a book about something you want to do
3. read and watch a book to movie adaptation
4. read a book with green on the cover
5. read a book while wearing the same hat the whole time
6. read a book with a beautiful spine
7. read 7 books! 
Here are a few of my favorite youtubers with their TBR for the booktubeathon!
Please join in the fun and ofcourse, Happy Reading!

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