Also her characters are personable and they draw you into the story. I have read all 3 books from this series, "The Storekeeper's Daughter", The Quilter's Daughter", and "The Bishop's Daughter". These books in this series correlate to each other and you must read the 1st book to get to know the characters and what is taking place.
This series starts out with an dysfunctional family, lost in the death of their mother. It seems that all is lost with their family and while the family tries to move passed their mother's death, it seems as though there is trouble on every corner.
The several characters in this series, faith is tested and must rely on the Good Lord to get them passed all of the hurt and trouble that they have faced. Many characters in this series bring hope to each other, but to the reader as well.
I have read the book 1 and book 2 within a week, that I have received them from the library. When it was time to get the 3rd book, it was checked out. But one thing I can tell you is that once that 3rd book was checked back in, I quickly got it and read it in 2 days.
This is a must read series, and I am ready to read another series from this author.